Friday, 27 February 2015

Update: From Brunette To Blonde

 Yes guys, it's happened!

Ahead of aiming to get either pastel blue/pink hair this summer (help me decide which please I've been pondering this for over a year) I'm now blonde.

It's been a few months actually, but I haven't had a chance to share until now.

I can definitely do a whole post on the process, but I did it myself (with help from a few friends) and it wasn't the easiest thing i've ever done let's just say.

To cut a long story short, my hair had been dyed brown for a year as its natural colour is a dark mousy blonde. And then I decided to go really platinum blonde- just for a change and to help the colour stay and show up vibrant when I finally go pastel blue or pastel pink.

I plan on keeping it this way until the end of summer and when I go off to uni i'll go back to brunette.

Ah, hair adventures.

If you guys want me to do an in depth post on how I went blonde (with dyed hair it's a real struggle) and what products I recommend, just let me know.